Oops, My Car Broke Down In Another Town Survival Kit!

Ok, we have all been there, you are a days drive from home in another town for business, visiting friends or like in my case at a friend's wedding and reception and something happens to the car.  You know it is something more than having to change a tire in high heels and a dress and having to beg, steal and borrow for a place to stay, kind of something.  This is what I learned from going to my friends wedding in Albubbq and someone smashed into my car.  So here is how to be prepared.

First of all, do this even if you are absolutely sure that nothing is going to happen, Google the area where you are going for motels in your price range, print off the list with phone numbers and addresses and put the list in a zip lock baggie.  It is also a good idea to also have AAA or a similar service.  And take your cell phone with you!

Piece of mind
I have been taking Dave Ramsey's class on debt management and having an emergency fund of $1000 or more is a really, really, really, good idea!  A $1000 will cover most car repairs and motel fees without the extra cost that will occur from putting it all on a credit card.  Avoid the old credit card at all costs!!!! Credit card bad!

The Pencil Bag.  
Ok, here is what else you will need and it is going to take a little shopping before hand.  Dollar store all the way!

Ok, this is your "keep it all together bag".  You will figure it out.  The pencil bag I chose is not one of the ones in the picture, but you need to make sure that it is large and not made of plastic.  The bag needs to be made of heavy duty fabric and preferably with notebook holes.  I chose a pencil bag made of denim with a pocket and with riveted notebook holes.  Why the pencil bag? The pencil bag is affordable, small enough to store in a glove box and easy to transport.  You can also use a makeup bag or a shaving kit bag.  But those bags are more expensive.

The Stuff
 Ok, here is what you will need to purchase or gather for your kit.  You will need items for staying overnight, take a shower and maybe perk up your mood.

You motels list in baggie
Your AAA card
1 sample shampoo
1 sample conditioner
1 sample body wash
1 sample lotion
1 sample toothpast
1 sample deodorant 
1 travel tooth brush
1 small, plastic comb
1 hair band
1 hand sanitizer
1 small first aid kit
1 mini sewing kit
2 medium candy bars (sustenance and chocolate moral booster)
1 climbers hook (like this one)

1 small pad of paper for notes
1 pen
1 pencil
1 small flashlight
batteries for the flashlight
2 battery operated or manually operated (you have to lite them) tea lights (they are so useful) 
A few waterproofed matches for the manually operated tea lights.
1 portable bottle of pain killer (of your choice)
1 portable bottle of anti-diarrhea pills 
$50 cash for food and entertainment
$2 to $10 in quarters, good for payphones and laundromats
Backup cell phone charger.
Back up cell phone car charger 
1 rain poncho
1 reflective blanket
4 index cards
3 tampons and 3 pads, if you are a woman

Most of these items can be found at the dollar store, Walmart and Target's sample isle.  You can also email the different manufacturers for free samples.
Other medications should not be stored in the kit, but it is a good idea to keep them with you when you are traveling out of town, the heat in the car could cause problems with the medication.

Bring water and soda, but do not store the water in your car.  When water is stored in a hot car, bacteria starts to develop in the water.  So fresh water only.  And soda can explode and make a mess when it gets hot.

Climbers Hook And Index Cards?
Ok, here is what you do with the index cards and climber's hook.  And this is going to take some computer work, in MS Word.  Open Word and go to the page layout tab. Under the size drop down list, select the size of index cards that you bought for your kit.  Type the following for each card...

Card one-front
"Hi my name is (your full-name) and if you have found this card, I am in need of assistance, please call 911 and (emergency contact's name) at (555) 123-456.   Please give these cards to the paramedics or emergency personnel. Thank you."

Card one-back
List all medical conditions

Card two-front
List all medications

Card two-back
List all allergies

Card three-front
Doctor's name and medical group
Insurance name and policy or member number

Card three-back
Religious affiliation and contact information

Card four-front
Any other contact information and names

Print each card off and punch a hole in the corner.  Use the climber's hook to attach the cards to the pencil bag using the notebook holes.  It is a good idea to laminate the card if you can.

Where to put your kit
Put it in the glove compartment, where you can always find it.

Other Things To Keep In Your Car
Having a clean change of clothes is a good idea.  Go for functional but can still be fashionable.
A t-shirt
A pair of jeans
A set of clean underwear
A pair of socks
Tennis shoes

Put all your clothes in a large zip lock bag or or one of those space bags, to keep them clean and dry.

Other Good To Haves Are....Tada!
A favorite book
Jumper cables

You can store these items in the trunk.

This kit is for one person, but it can be altered for families (you will need something bigger than a pencil bag). These kits also make great gifts!


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